Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello Everybody

Well, I am trying to remain a secret. So, in light of that I think I will keep as much information to myself as possible for the time being...and reveal things slowly. I was wondering how those who want to remain Secret will manage to do this if some folks do not maintain secret identities-it can be a matter of deduction if a number of pairs are revealed or are guessed. So...I am trying to hold off with info until I know more about what other folks have decided in the attempt to maximize my strategy :). I have started working on my sock project and have two patterns selected so far that I think would be nice. Both are of the "free internet" variety-thank you Cary for your helpful insights on how to go about selecting a pattern, knitting precision, etc. I am a leftie, and doubt if this will make any significant difference in the long run. I hadn't thought of this before. My finished articles don't look different than those knit by right handed people, it's just the process of making the stitches that is different...I knit all the stitches the same as the pattern calls for, and in the same order. I think this is grandmother taught me, and she was right-handed.

Fall Friday

It feels very much like fall here on this last Friday of September! How about where you live? Wool socks and a warm shawl around the neck are all on order here in Michigan this morning ;)

I thought I might give you some tips for knitting half a pair of socks for your sister. I found this helpful in the last "half a pair of socks" swap I was in ;) One is to make notes about the pattern you are sending to her. By that I mean, make note of how many rows of pattern repeat or how many inches you knit in each section; be sure to note the number of stitches and needle size you are using...something to help her get a matching sock. One person in the Summer Sock Swap I was just in even left the foot of the sock she was knitting unfinished so that her swapee could finish the sock in just the right size! I thought that was kind of clever if you have someone who is fussy about their sock size.

Also, remember that you do have to send her the pattern, too, so if you are knitting a pattern from a book, you would have to be sure that she has that book, too, or else send her the book or magazine! No copyright infringements please!!! That is where some of the free on-line patterns come in great (or if you happen to be one of our clever pattern writers here)

Can any of you think of other suggestions that would be helpful?

If you haven't had a chance to, stop by Cindy's knitting blog (link in the side bar) She had a wonderful post about the meaning of feet - very inspirational Cindy!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey all feetie sisters!

I am excited about this.. In the end I will have handknit a sock and looks like I will also get to learn how to use my knitting machine- thanks to Judy.
I am finishing up a capelet for my niece and then I am free to start working on my gal's sock!
My questionare is up on my website- just click on the side bar where it says secret pals and swaps.
Have a great day sisters!!

Back to stitch one

Well, after some thought, while I would love knitting a stranded sock, I'm not sure that my Secret Sister would enjoy it as much as I would. So since I still want to use two colors, I am look for some slip stitch pattern instead. These are easier and still look great. It is neat that design can be such a fluid process!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Checking In...

Well this feetie is very tired. Joel dropped off Connor while he went to check his Dad's boat, er... I mean Joel's boat, before it is lifted out of the lake for winter. While I didn't get a lot done, I did look at sock patterns I have and some of my own. Ok... so I've narrowed it down to about 6!

Hmm... I want it to be pretty, but not something that will cause someone to pull their hair when they make the second sock. Wouldn't be nice, eh?

I'm dog sitting for a friend while she is off to her FIL's funeral in New Jersey. The dogs are Standard Poodles and happy, bouncy, happy. The last time I watched them, I ended up with bruises, cause ... well.. standing up they are taller than I am. That isn't saying much. I have to watch them till at least Saturday, I just couldn't say no. If you never hear from me again, you will know they did me in and someone will have to knit a sock for my Secret Sis. *G*


Invitations Sent

I hope you all have received your invitations to join this blog. That will allow you to post here as much as you would like, and add photos if you can do that and remain a secret (if you are staying a secret from your sister) If you do post photos, be sure to keep the size reasonable ;)

If you need help doing this, please feel free to ask and one of us will try help.

Look forward to seeing a post from everyone - LOL! And if you have not received the invitation, please let me know so I can resend it to you.

If you haven't contacted your Sister, please try to take a moment to do that so she knows she is loved ;D

Hello Fellow Feeties

I have been having fun looking through my stash and searching on eBay for ideas for socks and yarn. I have been encouraged by the feet verses shared on here already. I need the constant encouragement right now to keep my feet planted firmly and not feed into the exhaustion of my own health and taking care of my family. So, really even though I have a lot to do, this is good time to keep my focus off myself and onto the special person I am knitting for! I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing more from you all. God bless you Cary for all your hard work on this.

Now to decide on a pattern

After reading some old issues of Spin Off, I was inspired by an article about the Komi Mittens from Charlene Scurch's Mostly Mittens. I am going to try to spin my own yarn for this, using a white solid and a variegated color for the pattern. Now I just need to decide which pattern to use. And a verse on feet for today: He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Psalm 40:2.


Hi all. Just wanted to see if I was actually here. Hope so. I have the yarn picked out for my parnter and am undecided between one certain pattern or one of my own. So we shall see.

A Few Fix-Ups

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Just a note to let you know that I have fixed a few broken least I think I have! They should all work now.

Also, somehow I hadn't gotten Cindy on the list! That was a terrible oversite but I think that is corrected now, too, so be sure to check out Cindy's knitting habit by clicking on the link in the sidebar. AND Judith has sent me her new blog address, so visit her and cheer on her efforts....learning to knit socks by hand AND learning to blog all in one session! Woo-hoo Judith ;)

Have a happy day! Oh, and be careful Pamela or the sock police will get you with those awful yarns - LOL (see Pamela and Carissa's comments on the last post)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Our First Update

"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he hath committed sins, they shall be forgiven. Confess your faults one to another and pray for one another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervant prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:15-16

Good morning! It is a glorious fall morning here in mid-Michigan, with the sun bright in the eastern sky and the western sky streaked with rosy fingered light...what is the old saying "red sky at morning, sailor take warning"? Thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon.

Did everyone have a good weekend? Did you contact your Secret Sister? Did she contact you? How many are going to remain secret? I will try to get this blog set up today, so that we can all post here - knitting blog central ;)

The updates I received:

Carissa, Theresa, Pamela, Eve and Cary all answered their questionnaire on their own blogs (check out the links at left)

Kimberly and Cary have done some shopping for their Secret Sis (and Cary's is not a secret...)

Judith took the plunge and started her own blog! Hurray!!! I'm just waiting on a link from her and I will set it up on the sidebar.

Pamela already has some lovely grey, scratchy wool yarn picked out for her Secret Sis...LOL! Just teasing, Pamela ;D

Don't forget to pray for your Sister....

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our First Ever Prize Winner Is....

We have the first winner of a prize in the Feet To Prayers Sock Swap (and you didn't even know prizes were going to be a part of this, did you? LOL!)

Our first winner is Molly! Molly won for being the first person to sign up for the swap (now how easy is that?) She won a copy of the Simple Toes First Sock pattern, featuring three wonderful patterns for knitting socks from the toes up.

Congratulations Molly!

Hmmm, who will our next winner be? We have had some wonderful prizes already donated - I will let you know more about them next week with more about what it takes to be a winner! (Well, you know, we are all winners in this contest, aren't we? Because we are getting to fellowship with each other!)

Get To Know You Questions

All of you should have received a copy of this questionnaire. These are just a few questions to help your Secret Sock Sister get to know your likes and dislikes a little more...feel free to add more information if you like!

1. When is your birthday (year is optional - grin)?

2. Do you spin your own yarn? If so, do you also like to work with raw fleece (washing, dyeing, carding) or only from prepared fibers (roving, top, batts)

3. What small projects do you like to make? Socks, mittens, scarf, hat, baby items, wash cloths, doilies, shrugs etc.

4. What are your favorite scents?

5. Do you like stationary and cards?

6. Do you like hand lotions or soaps?

7. Do you like to make/or use stitch markers?

8. Do you collect anything?

9. Do you have any allergies? Smoke, food, fiber, pets, etc..

10. Do you have any hobbies? (besides knitting, of course!)

11. Do you like scented or unscented candles?

12. Are there any books you are secretly wishing for?

13. Do you have a favorite Bible verse/story or character from the Bible?

Welcome To Feet To Prayers

Welcome to the Feet To Prayers Sock Swap...a harvest time knitting and praying sock/knit-a-long!

Sign ups ended on September 20 and we officially began September 23rd (the Autumnal Equinox). This swap will officially end on December 1st and I think we will try to have every thing in the mail to your pal no later than December 1st.

In this exchange, you pick out yarn, pattern and a few fall or harvest themed items to gift to your Secret Sock Sister. You will knit the first sock, then send that sock with the remainder of the yarn and the pattern, along with any goodies, to your pal. I have done two other swaps like this and had so much fun doing is very exciting!

And now the really fun and special part! This swap/kal is called FEET TO PRAYERS for a reason. We are encouraging you to pray for your partner during the course of the swap. So there is one more requirement to go along with the sock, yarn, pattern and little gifts and that is that you search your Bible and find a scripture that has a reference to Prayer - and one that includes feet, marching, going forward, etc. would be good, too! Commit yourself to spending time in prayer for your Secret Sock Sister as you knit and prepare her goodies for her. Send emails or leave comments on her blog during the swap. Lets get to know our Sisters in Christ! It is totally up to you (and your sock sister) whether or not you remain anonymous. A blog is not required to participate - but fun! We will try using this blog as a one-stop check in point, especially for those who don't have a blog. I say we will try it because if it gets to confusing or hectic, we will do away with it. I am going to ask that we have a set day for “official” updates and I am going to make that day Monday. If you do not have a blog, please e-mail me by Sunday with your update, and I will post it here on Monday.

I think I have everyone listed with a link at the sidebar. Please let me know if you find a link that doesn't work or if I have missed putting you there. Be sure to check out what everyone is doing...

Lets ask the Lord to bless the work of our hands as we spend time trying to bless our Sisters. I'm betting that the giver will end up being as blessed as the receiver!

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path" ~ Psalms 119:105