Monday, December 04, 2006

Time for Feet To Rest

Hello, Dear Sisters!

Well, December 1st (our deadline for mailing packages) has come and gone....didn't the time seem to just fly by?!?

By now you should have sent your packages out to your Pal, or contacted her to let her know if it will soon be on its way. I think there were about half of us who didn't mail right out by the first, but that is okay as long as you let your Pal know so she knows she isn't forgotten!

Were you blessed by doing this? I know I was. I feel like I got a glimpse into Pamela's sweet heart and funny spirit by the gifts and notes and prayers she sent to me! I couldn't have had a better pal! And I was blessed to be praying for Eve and her family, to be selecting little things to send along to her, to laugh and frown over her "Socks in the Dirt" sock yarn - hehehe - I hope she will share a photo when it arrives ;)

I hope (and I think you are) that most of you will be joining in for the Life Overflowing swap, too!

Big, fat snowflakes are falling gently down this morning and a bright silver moon is shining, making everything look new and peaceful. I wish it were so for all the world, and my heart is full of sadness for those who don't know the peace of having Jesus Christ the Saviour of their lives no matter what their circumstance. Lets all pray for each others unsaved loved ones this week!


Blogger Judith B said...

I had a wonderful time learning to knit the sock and to pray for my sister in the Lord. It was fun finding special goodies to send along also. Thank you so much for being a joyful encourager on this journey. Blessings on you. Hugs, Judy B.

9:50 AM  

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